Author: Ekaterina Zhuzhleva
5 Dimensions of Krško
A short trip around Krško to see what types of objects you can find here.
avtor: Maël Deback
Time passes by, people too. Trains come and go, full of these people killing time.
Leaving Slovenia
Avtorica: Diana Shikhalieva
Is a short portrait documentary about a Syrian refugee. Through one day driving around Ljubljana Ahmed shares his pleasures and struggles in life and honestly explains why he wants to leave Slovenia.
FEKK_Film festival
Avtorica: Alina Kozlova
The Soul of a Shadow
Avtorica: Valentina Pietroluongo
A small video made with shoots of kids projection during FeKK festival and a reflection about our inner child. Special thanks to Alina Kozlova and Salomé Menuge who were shooting with Valentina that day of the festival.