DoKKu 2024

Luksuz produkcija comes back with Documentary film workshop 2024!
This summer, from 15th to 27th of July, the DoKKu workshop will take place in Krško, Slovenia. 
Participants from all over Europe, will have the chance for 13 days to go through the whole process of realization of their own documentary film, mentored by professionals from film industry: directors Želimir Žilnik, Miha Možina. Marko Cvejić…, DOPs Jure Černec, Tadej Pernuš and editors Rožana Švara, Marija Kovačina, Nemanja Babić, Matic Drakulić…
Starting from discussing and pitching ideas, helped by locals and mentors, the participants will organise in small groups and develop their projects from script writing to shooting and editing.
The purpose of the workshop is to stimulate young filmmakers from various national and social backgrounds to express a critical vision on society and culture, through the powerful tool of cinema.
This year, the program will also include the possibility for skilled film makers to approach the world of film pedagogy, giving them the chance to be the mentors of tomorrow.
The final products will be presented at the concluding public projection, followed by a discussion. Later they will be shown on Luksuz channels and different film festivals.
For more info and applications please write us!

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