APPLY your films to 19th Luksuz Film Festival


“Digital Democratisation”, the affordability and accessibility of the technique allow young and not yet established creators to be able to support themselves and their activities, views, views, criticism, etc. articulate (also) through modern media – video, film, internet.

The Luksuz Film Festival aims to show short-term and low-budget productions of domestic and foreign authorial, alternative, activist films and videos, especially younger authors (up to 30 years old), which are produced in traditional or “garage” productions, in the context of non-commercial, non-institutional productions and constitute an alternative cultural media image of an otherwise dominated mass official distributor.

In particular, the following are desirable:

– socially critical films,

– social & culture films,

– films representing the culture of young people,

– films on the topic of cultural diversity



Send your application to (at)

or  submit through FilmFreeway

About submissions:

– Films completed in 2021, 2020.

– Documentary films not longer than 15 minutes.

– Feature and animated films not longer than 10 minutes.

– Music videos

– Age of authors does not exceed 30 years.

The application should include the following information:

  • Movie file (shared via Drive, Dropbox or similar available file sharing site)
  • Names of project authors and collaborators
  • Title in original language and English, short summary in file .txt, subtitles with file srt, 3 photos in jpeg format
  • Year and name of the production
  • Your contact (Email, Phone)
  • Promotional material (website, social media, film trailer, etc.)

Please send your application for your film by November 4, 2021.

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