ZOOM-IN: Ecoactivism

  One of the main problems facing the world today is the ecological crisis. Yes, we have heard this word so many times that some of us even stopped to pay attention to it. But the problem is still growing and growing every day and requires urgent action. So, as part of the Luksuz production […]

ZOOM-IN: Alternative concert culture

  Conversation with concert organizers. Participants: Lovro Bizjak, Lara Štemberger, MKNŽ Ilirska Bistrica Enej Mavsar, KudKr! Krško Uroš Hlastan, Akd Pizdun Kostanjek near Krško Nik Drozg, Ch0 Metelkova Ljubljana, Level Up Nejc Jordan, Mc Krško The discussion was led by Špela Krajnc and Lea Teraž.   Excerpts from the film YOUNG HOPE by Mance Filak […]


On the 8th of March we celebrate the fights that have already been won and the young forces keeping on the struggle. The first episode of the ZOOM-IN virtual talk series is dedicated to the feminist agenda in post-socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe. During the discussion with the feminist activists from Slovenia and […]


ADIJO / GOODBYE 2020! FILMMAKING MARATHON DEADLINE 16.12.2020 Leto 2020 se (končno!) poslavlja. Kako bolje ujeti mimobežne trenutke zadnjega tedna v letu kot z ? Ustvarimo skupen filmski spomin na naša doživljanja s spletnim maratonom filmskega ustvarjanja Adijo / Goodbye 2020! https://fb.me/e/5d7Cc0LpB Prijave zbiramo do 16.12.2020 preko https://forms.gle/mZ8uL9Nzet2SWwmU6 66

YOUTH TV MAGAZINE, February 2021

Here is the new Youth TV Magazine. You can watch the following short films, reports and animations. 15. Horizon, author: Tyfenn Comparot – After power, author: Rožana Švara – Gregorjevo, Špela Krajnc and Lea Teraž – Valentine’s Day, author: Tjaša Tomc – Unspeakable world, author: Maria Sorokina     Mladinska oddaja, ki so jo pripravili […]

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