Conversation with concert organizers.
Participants: Lovro Bizjak, Lara Štemberger, MKNŽ Ilirska Bistrica Enej Mavsar, KudKr! Krško Uroš Hlastan, Akd Pizdun Kostanjek near Krško Nik Drozg, Ch0 Metelkova Ljubljana, Level Up Nejc Jordan, Mc Krško The discussion was led by Špela Krajnc and Lea Teraž.
Excerpts from the film YOUNG HOPE by Mance Filak and Žiga Gorišek were used in the conversation. Ethnotrip production, DAIKAIJU concert footage, Misanthrope Tonfilms production of the short film Punk in Kostanjko, Luxury production, Pidzun short film, Luxury production of the concert series Ventilator, Suzi soprano, Suzi soprano production of the short film Pizdun, author Eva Matarranz, Luxury production.