Slovenska pomlad 2021. // Slovenian spring 2021.

A short film about crossing paths. And for a little bit about the chaos that woven into everyday life. So what happens at the crossroads?
HRABRI NOVI SVET, Rožana Švara & Tjaša TomcZapiranje države odpira nova okna v svetovih malih ljudi. // Total lockdown is opening people up to fresh new worlds.

There is space between our thoughts that offers immense emancipation from reality. Cockaigne is an “imaginary place of extreme luxury and ease, where physical comforts and pleasures are always immediately at hand”…and what is yours?

Experimental film o brazgotinah na telesu, ki bi ga morali sprejeti in ljubit. // An experimental film about scars on the body that you should accept and love.

In Adlešiči, the tradition of Easter is still really present. Over the table, you would find a curious old local handcraft ; Pisanice. These beautiful decorated eggs meticulously made are used as a gift.
Tončka Jankovič, a local woman from Adlešiči, accepted with a lot of benevolence and kindness to show us the process of creating Pisanice and speak about the origins of the traditions.