V tokratni epizodi se lahko ogledate:
Colors of Veles.
Potop v Velesu, ekološki in trajnostni kmetiji, skozi pisano in zveneče doživetje.
Authors: Anouk Schober, Lana Beribak, Tjaša Tomc
Day in Veles. Avtorji: Anouk Schober, Lana Beribak, Tjaša Tomc
Veles je kmetija v Sloveniji, ki v celoti podpira trajnostni način življenja. Lastniki tega mirnega kraja Petra in Janez pozdravljata ljudi z vsega sveta. Postati prostovoljec evropske solidarnostne enote je eden od načinov za doživetje življenja v Velesu.
Music Video. Authors: Maria Sorokina and Tjaša Beršnak
It’s a story about a woman knowing her power, her weaknesses, her strengths. These symbols are found in the video and are represented by: water – the unconscious reality, fire – conscious one, and some tension parts, which represent the fight between them. In the front also come Jung’s Wild woman archetypes, which are very much repressed in society these days. Hope you will find the courage to nurture them after watching this video.:)